Could Someone Guide me with Automating Invoice Processing in QuickBooks?

Hello there,

I am new to ElectroNeek and currently working on a project to automate invoice processing in QuickBooks. I have successfully set up the basic environment and connected QuickBooks with ElectroNeek; but I am facing a few challenges that I hope the community can help me with.

The goal of the automation is to extract invoice data from PDF files and automatically enter it into QuickBooks.

Extract relevant data from incoming PDF invoices. I have tried using the built in OCR functionality; but I am not sure if I am getting the best results or if there are more efficient methods/plugins available.

Before entering the data into QuickBooks; I need to validate it against some predefined rules. What are the best practices for implementing such validation steps in ElectroNeek?

Once the data is validated; it needs to be entered into QuickBooks. While I have managed to connect to QuickBooks; I am finding it tricky to map the extracted data correctly to the corresponding fields in QuickBooks. Has anyone here successfully implemented a similar automation and could share some insights or workflows?

In case of errors like if an invoice fails validation or there is an issue with the QuickBooks API; I want to ensure robust error handling and logging. What are the recommended approaches for this within ElectroNeek?

Also, I have gone through this post: which definitely helped me out a lot.

Additionally; if there are any tutorial videos; documentation; or examples specific to these tasks; I would greatly appreciate it if you could point me in the right direction.

Thank you in advance for your help and assistance. :innocent:

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Hey @Samzyaaan

For PDF recognition, besides using OCR, I recommend trying IntelliDocs. This product automatically extracts the desired values. You can learn more about it in this article: IntelliDocs 2.0. Additionally, we have a short training session available here: IDP User: Intelligent Document Processing with IntelliDocs.

The data validation process varies depending on the case. For instance, you can use regular expressions or the ‘Ask AI’ activity to check some rules with AI, among other methods.

It seems the difficulty with data entry was due to the OCR technology used initially. This should be resolved with IntelliDocs, as it provides separate fields of the documents as separate elements in the result.

For more information on error handling and logging processes in Studio Pro, you can refer to the following articles: Exceptions Handling and Logging.

I also highly recommend exploring all the courses in our Academy: ElectroNeek Academy.

Hola @Samzyaaan.

Tal como menciona @a.polianskii puedes aprovechar las funcionalidades de reconocimiento inteligente de documentos.

Además, puedes probar la actividad Read text (pdf):PDF

Para ello, intenta acoplar esta misma estructura, para que leas los pdf, hagas las validaciones necesarias y posterior extraer los datos, algo asi:

Ten en cuenta que esto es posible solo para pdf nativos, en el proyecto adjunto encontraras el flujo .neek y los archivos de prueba.

Espero te sirva, saludos (477.8 KB)