Datepicker Issue

Hi everyone. I am having some troubles with a datepicker field in a web form. The form has a field with a datepicker, and when I use “Set element value” activity I see the value I seted is correct (checked with the inspect tool of Chrome), but the text in the field doesn’t change (visually speaking)

I tried another approach, this time using “Input to browser” activity to set the date I want, clearing the field before typing, and then I using the “Send hotkey: Enter”. But the activity doesn’t clear the field and the date I want to set finally is concatenated with the original date.

The web page it seems use Bootstrap’s datepicker. Could be this the problem?

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hey @Jaime_Axt1

Yes, datepickers elements could be tricky. Regarding the ‘Set element value’ - visually the changes could be missing, but the changes applied to the page could still lead to the needed results. So you can try to ‘Submit’ the page or trigger the values to be sent to the server as another option (for example, pressing Enter on this or another field).

Regarding the ‘Input to browser’ - you can try activating the ‘Simulate User Behaviour’ checkbox to see if there is any change. Also, as this activity almost completes the task, you can split the ‘erasing’ part to be done by another activity: ‘Send hotkey’ (CTRL+A and then Delete) or ‘Input to desktop app’. Both of them you can use with the ‘Use focused element’ checkbox activated (you can use ‘Click on element’ to firstly focus on the element). The ‘Input to desktop app’ supports hotkeys as well (‘Use additional syntax for sending keys’), so using some combination of these could help.

Hola Jaime,

Prueba utilizando la actividad “Input to browser” y activando la casilla Simulate User Behaviour, tal como se muestra en la siguiente imagen:

Si no te funciona de esta forma, entonces por favor agregar la actividad “Click on element” antes de la actividad Input to browser.

Espero te sirva, saludos.

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