Browser next page find element


When I click the submit button on a page (via electroneek), how do I capture the resultant page to look for elements on it ?
For ex, I login using credentials, click the submit button… the next page is a filter criteria page… I’m unable to find any element on this (new) page.

  1. Putting setvalue elements returns an element not found error

no such element: Unable to locate element:{"method":"xpath","selector":"//*[@id="nameID"]"}

  1. I tried putting the Open url control along with setting the “save the previous step result”… however I get the following error:

Cannot read property 'indexOf' of null

  1. I have tried with and without delay.

Any help to resolve this will be appreciated.


Hello, @Shankar!

You can use the function “Element found?” in the group “Browser”, in this case, if the element is not found, we can make a loop with a small wait using the function “Delay” in the group of functions “Basic”.

no such element: Unable to locate element:{"method":"xpath","selector":"//*[@id="nameID"]"}

Cannot read property 'indexOf' of null

If these errors continue, it would be useful to see this site if it is public in order to recommend something specific. Or you can shoot a video of how you select the settings for the blocks, copying the attributes from the site and running the algorithm.

Thank you.