Alguém sabe se o studio pro consegue ler esses imagens de validação de NF em site de prefeitura?
Hi! I dont think so ElectroNeek would be able to do that. An ideal condition for this could be taking screenshot of this specific area and extracting text from it using any OCR. But in ElectroNeek we can not take screenshot of any specefic area or any dynamic area. So you need to find out some other way any extension might work in your case.
@pedro.azevedo We can do it by following the steps described below.
- Take screenshot of this page using ‘take a screenshot’ activity
- Using OCR extract the data from entire page I used ‘extract document data’ (Intellidocs) as example
- Use activity ‘Recognition template’ and select the captcha and save it. Take an example of this screen. I want to extract only captch for this screen so i am selecting the area and saving it as ‘captcha_chars’
- Once you have the characters, you need to use ‘input to text’ activity and enter this ‘captha_chars’ into textbox
The flow looks like this.
Can you please tell me what is the use of the recognition template here? Like if you have extracted the data using intellidocs then what is the purpose of using this activity?
@Muhammad_Hayyan When you extract the data from OCR you have to anyway pick only captcha. to do that you might need to find the captcha in extracted ocr output and accordingly store it in a variable.
Recognition template will help you to do the same just by slecting area.
This is the case with OCR engines. Incase of Intellidocs, you can directly fetch it from JSON.