I’m working on a bot that generates reports from a website. I have this report that needs to select 3 items to be generated.
Is it possible to select multiple items in a list?
as human behaviour is nedded to select by keeping ctrl pressed
This is a tricky one, but here’s an approach that works. I just tested it with the list of fruits in the “Multiple Options” section of this link, and it successfully selected 2 elements:
First, instead of having the whole list as your element, try adding 1 Browser Element for each of the options that you need selected. In my case, I wanted to select both “Guava” and “Papaya” so I created elements for both:
This is how I configured both elements, just in case:
Then, in order to select them, I added 2 “Set element property” Activities, from the Web Automation > UI category. And I set the “selected” property of both to “true” (no quotes because it’s a Boolean value, not a String). Like this:
I also tested it with 3 and 4 elements, replicating the same method, and it worked as intended every time. Let us know if you try it, or if you need any help applying this solution!