Queue management?

Is there a queue management system to process high volumes of items ? And be able to resume treatment of the remaining items in case of failure ?
Similar to UiPath or Robomotion queue management system.

hey @duchesselily

The Orchestrator indeed has a queue mechanism, you can deploy a workflow on several Bot Runner and will automatically use the next Bot Runner once it becomes free. You can read about this in the next article - How-tos: Orchestrator SaaS Management

In case of failure, there is a possibility to add an exceptions handling logic inside the workflow. Please refer to the article - How-tos: Studio Pro Troubleshooting.

I am not exactly talking about queue mechanism in terms of “workflows” but rather in terms of “items”(transaction).

Basically when you have a high volume of items that need to be treated, you would have a dispatcher workflow that will upload all the items that need to be treated into a queue and then a performer workflow that will fetch a queue item, treat it, and update its status, and then move to the next queue item and so on until all queue items have been processed.

This performer could also be triggered on multiple bot runners in parallel so that the queue is processed faster, but the main idea is that all queue items are centralized in one queue in the orchestrator.

This is a very useful feature for large volume of treatments.

UiPath offers such a feature: Orchestrator - About Queues and Transactions

Robomotion offers it also: Queues | Robomotion RPA Documentation

hey @duchesselily,

It is possible to create the same functionality by using a place to store the data (a table/database/etc.). So there will be one workflow that is located on the Bot Runner that acts as dispatcher and multiple other workflows that could be deployed on other Bot Runners. These workflows will have the worker functions and will be executed through the webhook or Orchestrator API (by the dispatcher).

I think this is a feature that should be built by ElectroNeek so that the centralized queue is on the orchestrator and its management (concurrent access of the queue, item status update, error handling, retry of specific item, unique item, …) is done by the tool.
Building this feature for each and every case is cumbersome for the user.

hey @duchesselily,

You can file this as an improvement on the dedicated web page https://ideas.electroneek.com/, the product team will be able to review it and plan in the future development as appropriate. Also, other users would be able to review it and vote for this idea as well.

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Thanks, done!

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There’s no such functionality built into EN but hopefully they will implement it in the future. At Intellimorph we have internally developed queue management mechanism which is vendor agnostic so all of our workflows are connected into it so we can manage any number of bots across any number of machines.

If you’d like to know more let me know and I can arrange a demo for you.


Hey, thanks for the proposal, I’m actually only interested in having this feature inside of ElectroNeek.