I am a business owner of a small company. I have a product where I want to automate the process.
Is there any single-user or small-team license for my single project? If this is possible I want to understand the process and steps to apply/enroll for the same
I have checked the options, I am not an IT Service provider, so it is not feasible for me to apply for the partnership.
I have checked the features of Electroneek in the community edition, however, to utilize Orchestrator Sass and webhooks I want to purchase a single-user license.
@Adi Thank you for showing the interest in our product! You can reach out to our sales team on the following email address sales@electroneek.com and you will get a appropriate response.
Okay. Thanks, @Avinash_Rai
I have emailed them before 14 hours. Awaiting response from the sales team.
Till then if you can provide any reference link for the same, it can be helpful to check feasibility
Talk to me we can help you behavior.so/brainstorm you can setup a time to speak. I’d be more than happy to work with you and help you create bot’s that you can deploy as a small business and product.