Mobile App trigger

Is there a provision for Electroneek Orchestrator Mobile App from which bots can be triggered.

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If you have endpoint url of the workflow you can run via mobile phone browser

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@raju.saini You can also use APIs/webhook links to trigger the bot. There is no native mobile app (if that is something you are asking for)

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Thanks, it the latter , I was lookin for native mobile app

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I know this may sound a little wired , but is it possible to trigger , a process on android mobile device from the orchestrator.

1.clear cache
2.clear data
3.check network speed
4.Check Wifi or Network
5.permission enable/disable

@raju.saini I assume that the above 5 are the processes you want to automate in android? if yes, you can achieve this by emulating android device in windows system as you have bot runner installed on widows.

Hello @raju.saini, please update us on the progress of your request, we would like to follow up to find out if the solutions presented above worked for you.
