HI. How in Studio I can find out which keyboard layout is currently enabled?
@Ramzess33 You want to create a bot which will identify the keyboard layout currently enabled in your OS? let me know if my understanding corrects here!
If thats the case, let me know how you are doing it manually now.
Hi. You can try using the Command Prompt activity:
In the Command field you need to paste this:
powershell.exe -Command "(New-Object -ComObject 'WScript.Shell').SendKeys('{CAPSLOCK}'); Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms; [System.Windows.Forms.InputLanguage]::CurrentInputLanguage.LayoutName"
After this you need to save the output result in a variable, make sure that the “Save the previous step result” option is selected:
And then you run it.
After the execution you need to go to the variables section: