Insert/delete multiple rows/columns

I need to do a task that removes multiple rows and columns from a .csv document

I need to remove rows 1 to 12 and multiple columns like B, D, H to V.
It is possible to do this task using the activities “insert/delete row/columns”?

Hello @Yoshi,

The activities “Insert/delete row/columns” are used when working with a .xls or.xlsx files format.

For the CSV, you could use the Read Table activity specifying the CSV format, and it will imported to Studio Pro in a JSON variable, so you are able to work on this JSON file, removing/replacing or inserting on it.

Hi Renan
Thanks, i will save it as xls then.

But How could I do this delete multiple rows/columns tasks using the activities “insert/delete row/columns”?

Hi @Yoshi,

With these activities you will be able to specify a row or column, and from this specific row/column you can also set number of elements to be deleted.

If you want to delete row/columns that are not in sequence, you can add the activity to the workflow more times and use different values.

You can check how to setup the activities here :

Hello @Yoshi, We would like to find out if the solution we provided above worked.