How to convert a datatype

I am trying to compare one value with another value but that is numeric value like value < 100 or value > 10.

As I ma not able to convert string into integer if condition is not working as expected. How we can change datatype in electroneek ?

Ankit Dwivedi

@AnkitDwivedi You can use JavaScript built-in functions to convert data type. Please find below example.
var a = “10” - String
var b = Number(a) - converted to integer


@Kudlappa_Gouder - thanks. it worked. Do you know how we can stop the process if any condition does not match or any exception occur ?

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@AnkitDwivedi Whenever there is an exception you can handle it using the red port(bottom right of each activity)
for ex: If open Url activity fails for some reason, I am closing the browser. please find below screenshot for better understanding