File Info complete file path and extract data from json data

How can i get the path to the file of a File Information Activity? It’s only giving me the file name. And How do i get the value from the json data into a variable so that I can use that file path as an input to the next process?

“name”: “SalesDetails - Copy (4).xlsx”,
“extension”: “.xlsx”,
“length”: 21281,
“creation_time”: “2024-06-03T10:34:09.520+10:00”,
“last_access_time”: “2024-06-03T10:34:09.526+10:00”,
“last_write_time”: “2024-05-25T13:40:18.905+10:00”,
“creation_time_ms”: 1717374849520.3032,
“last_access_time_ms”: 1717374849526.0757,
“last_write_time_ms”: 1716608418905.8943,
“mode”: 33206,
“owner_uid”: 0

My use case is to wait for a file then use that file as an input to the next process

first is I dont have the complete file path and second if was saved as json, how do i extract the file path.

hey @Rommel

As described in the documentation article for this activity, this activity returns a full path to the file once triggered. To do so, you can add the ‘Assign value to variable’ activity right after the ‘File trigger’ activity, activate the ‘Save the previous step result’ checkbox in the value and run the bot.

Also, to extract the value from a JSON, you can create a new variable and write the next value using the ‘Calculate a value’ checkbox - where file_info is the name of the variable and name is the key from the JSON.