Does the user need to install the ElectroNeek broswer extension to use a .neex bot?

Hi! I know the developer needs the Electroneek Extension installed in the web browser in order to use the browser picker during development. But does the user also need the extension to execute a .neex bot of a web automation?


When executing .neex files via Bot Runner, the user only needs to install the browser extension if the workflow was built using the browser interaction method called “Chrome Native”, which is the recommended interaction method. If the workflow was built using the “Chrome Selenium” method, then the extension is not required for the user.

If you try running a bot that uses “Chrome Native” without having the extension, the Web Automation activities will fail.

More details about these interaction methods can be found in this Help Center article.

Hope this helps!

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Thank you, @Ivan_Ramos

I’m a bit confused now because When I check the settings of the project in Studio Pro, “Chrome Native” is selected. However, when I check Bot Runner (in the same computer where I have developed the bot), “Chrome Selenium” is selected. I’ve tested the .neex file of the project with the extension activated and it worked. I’ve also tested it with the extension deaativated and I got an error saying the extension isn’t connected.

So I guess the option selected in the Bot Runner doesn’t count. The project settings overwrite the Bot Runner settings. Is that correct?


You’re correct. At the moment, the option that determines which browser interaction is used are the Project settings, both when running workflows via Studio Pro and running .neex files via Bot Runner.

So if your Project settings were using “Chrome Native” when your .neex file was exported, you will need the browser extension. If you don’t want to go through the extension, you can go back to the project, change the Project settings to use “Chrome Selenium”, and export the .neex file again.

Hope this has clarified your question!

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