Hi Team,
I am exploring electroneek , trying to convert documents to PDF . Kindly anyone guide me . how will achieve this.
Hi Team,
I am exploring electroneek , trying to convert documents to PDF . Kindly anyone guide me . how will achieve this.
@Bhaskar You can use combine to PDF activity to convert files to PDF.
You can refer below document for detailed explanation.
Combine to PDF – ElectroNeek Help Center
I was used same , but execution time taking more time.
@Bhaskar Thats strange! May be you are testing with empty file. in that case have some date in file and try to execute again.
sure, Thanks. will do
Hi there!
I have a similar situation regarding the Combine to PDF activity. I understand how it’s used, but what if we need to make it more dynamic?
I have a master process that performs the following actions:
I had a process that got the file path and name of the newly-created folder without the .zip attached to it to use as a variable inside the Combine to PDF, but that’s not working. I am getting a message stating an actual file path is required, which isn’t going to work for our situation because the process will be used by multiple users with different usernames, and it will download files with varying names.
My first question is how can I make the file path and file name parts of the Combine to PDF activity accept different usernames and filenames? I was thinking about using the Command Prompt with the command ren to rename the folder, but that won’t work if we do not know the name of the downloaded folder until after it’s downloaded.
My second question is will the Combine to PDF activity combine PDF’s in the main file path’s folder and any subfolders that exist under it?
Thank you in advance!
@BrandonTerry Let me know if my understanding is correct.
You are able to get the path of the folder where the file is downloaded. Am I correct?
If yes, then we can use dynamic paths in the Combine to PDF activity like below.
Let’s say, File got downloaded in the below folder
The documents will be combined and save as newf.pdf
→ The combine PDF activity combines the PDFs in the location you mention in ‘PDF file path’ and save it with the name you mention in ‘PDF file path’(refer attached screenshot for better understanding)
Hi, @Kudlappa_Gouder
Thanks for your quick response! I apologize if the request was unclear.
I was able to figure it out. I used logic to capture the file path and name of the zip file, then use additional logic to slice the .zip off the complete path and name. I used the variable in the Combine to PDF activity. Thank you again!
Screenshots from my process, if it helps anyone else…
Hi @Bhaskar, You can also visit the recently announced ElectroNeek Recipes section for more information on how you can Convert multiple files to PDF. This helped me a lot.